Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hola from Spain!!!

¡Hola amigos!

Do you know what language that is?  Do you know what it means?

It is Spanish for "Hello friends!"

I am learning to speak Spanish and I am getting plenty of practice here in Spain!  Do you know of any other countries where they speak Spanish?  I hear that you are learning Spanish, too.  Isn't it fun?  I like learning new languages because it helps me to talk to different people and make new friends!

You guys ask such good questions!  Thank you for sending them!  Someone asked about the food they eat here.  They eat many of the same foods that we do, but they especially like ham and special kinds of Spanish sausage.  Here is a picture I took of a store all full of ham and sausage!

They also eat a lot of olives and olive oil because there are many olive farms here.  I even saw some plants where olives grow!

Do you see the rows of smaller trees with lighter leaves?  They are the olive trees. 

You guys must really love animals because I got a lot of animal questions!  Some people asked if I had seen any bull fights or people running from the bulls.  Bullfighting is a very old sport that has been in Spain for many years, but I didn't go see one because it would make me sad if a bull get hurt.  I did see cows though!  They were walking down the road with their owners- the cars had to stop and wait for the cows to pass!  I took a picture:

Mrs. North asked if we have the same kind of money here.  No, it is different!  They use Euros instead of dollars and have Euro cents instead of pennies.  In fact, there are many, many different kinds of money in the world!  in most other countries you have to change your US dollars for a different kind of money so that you can buy things, so that is what I did in Spain!

Finally, people asked if I am having fun.  I sure am!  I like Spain a lot.  Everyone here is really nice but I think that now I am ready to come home.  See you soon!

Your friend (or in Spanish "tu amigo")!
Flat Stanley

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