Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hi Kids!  Jambo!

Jambo is Swahili for "hello"!  Swahili and English are two of the main languages spoken here in Kenya.  Now you can say hello in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Swahili- WOW!

Things have been so busy here!  I got to go on a safari- that is a trip where you drive around in the areas where animals live and take pictures of them.  Here are some of my favorite pictures- do you know which animals they are?

I saw a LOT of zebras!

Why did the elephant cross the road?

It was the chicken's day off!!!  Haha!

Do you see the mountain in the background of this picture?  That is Mount Kilimanjaro, it is the highest mountain in the whole continent of Africa!  It is actually in the country of Tanzania but you can see it from Kenya!

Giraffes, of course!  I'll bet you knew that one!

This one is hard!  These are wildebeests, also known as gnus.  Wildebeest means "wild cattle", and they are related to antelopes and are very distantly related to cows!  Do you see the babies in the picture?  They can grow up to weigh almost 600 pounds!!

The crested crane, one of the many pretty birds I saw.

I hope that you liked my pictures!  Next time I will write more about the people that I met here and the cities.  I'll write more soon!  Until then- Hakuna Matata!  (that means "no problem" in Swahili- there is a song about it in the movie the Lion King!  There is a lot of swahili in that movie- did you know that Simba is Swahili for "lion"?  It's true!)

Your friend,
Flat Stanley

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